Letter R

Research Overview

Neuromechanics’s research is focused on biomechanics and morphological sciences applied in the field of sports sciences, physical education and rehabilitation.

The Neuromechanics in Human Movement (NHM) sited on the Biomechanics and Functional Morphology Laboratory (BFML) combines two areas of major international and national scientific tradition: Biomechanics and Morphological Sciences.

These two areas are dedicated to the teaching and research in Biology, Sports Science and Health Sciences. Essentially, Morphology and Biomechanics are core disciplines in scientific fields such as Biology, Physical Education and Sport, Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy, among others.

Biomechanics is a well-known area, being a multidisciplinary field with diverse areas of expertise in fundamental, theoretical, or applied fields.

Its importance in Sport justifies the existence of an international society focused in this area, the ISBS – International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, existing within a broader ISB – International Society of Biomechanics, which brings together researchers from many different areas.

The NHM-BMFL has developed an important network of collaborations with national and international reference research groups in their scientific fields, which is materialized in research project funded (mostly under the coordinated BMFL) and a set of doctoral or post-doctoral programs and projects.

Research Lines

In the Neuromechanics of Human Movement and BFML there are several Projects in course that cover one, two or three of the following research lines:

  1. In-vivo and in-silico methodologies for the study of the neuromusculoskeletal system.
  2. Biomechanical factors of sports performance, injury prevention and return to practice.
  3. Prognostic biomechanical factors for changes in mobility: assessment methodologies and intervention studies.

The research lines outlined above are developed in research programs supported by funding from the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) – Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior.


Oeiras Valley

Educação para a ciência, inovação e excelência