1st Place in Prémios Científicos Universidade de Lisboa/Caixa Geral de Depósitos (Ciências da Educação)
Efeitos do treino contínuo e intervalado na cinética do consumo de oxigénio e da desoxigenação muscular
Characterization and Comparison of Nutritional Intake between Preparatory and Competitive Phase of Highly Trained Athletes
Investigator Award in the area of Health, Biomedical sciences and Human Kinetics
3rd Place in Oral Communications
Valamatos, M.J., & Reis, J.F. (2020). 3rd Place in Oral Communications (Treino Desportivo category) with the work "Valamatos, M.J., Miranda, H., Palla, J., & Reis, J.R. Efeitos do Treino Pliométrico na Performance da Partida de Blocos de Natação em Adolescentes". Award atributted at the 43º Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Técnicos de Natação.
Award in COP Ciências do Desporto – História e Sociologia do Desporto
Scientific Award in Prémios Científicos Universidade Lisboa/Santander Universidades
Good Practices Ward for the project Fall in Age Erasmus+ Prject
Silver Award as Principal Investigator in A/B/C-TEACH research project (Teaching Delivery category)
Expert’s Choice: 2018’s Most Exciting Research in the Field of Pediatric Exercise Science
Monteiro, C. P. (2018). Expert’s Choice: 2018’s Most Exciting Research in the Field of Pediatric Exercise Science, for the article “Morgado J.P., Monteiro J.P., Matias C.N., Reis J.F., Teles J., Laires M.J., Alves F. (2018). Long-term swimming training modifies acute immune cell response to a high-intensity session. Eur J Appl Physiol. 118(3), 573–583. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00421-017-3777-8. Selected by University of California Irvine’s experts Shlomit Radom-Aizik and Nitzan Dror as the best article in the “Immunology and Exercise During Youth” domain.