Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Human Performance
Healthy Weight
Vision & Mission

Ciper | Centro Interdisciplinar de Performance Humana

CIPER’s mission is to promote human functioning through sport and physical activity across the lifespan.

This mission focuses on:

  1. Generating Internationally Impactful Knowledge: Producing cutting-edge research on human functionality, including developing measures, conducting experimental observations and interventions, constructing models, and refining algorithms to understand how physical activity and sport behaviors influence functioning throughout life.
  2. Translating Research Outcomes: Applying research findings to health policies and practices for physical activity and sport, using tailored approaches for individuals and communities to maximize real-world impact and promote healthier lifestyles.
  3. Empowering Interdisciplinary Research: Fostering collaboration across diverse fields from the start of research careers, cultivating advanced research capacities among young and mid-career investigators, and driving innovation in human kinetics.

CIPER’s vision focuses on a paradigm shift recognizing human movement as pivotal for functioning across all life stages and contexts. CIPER’s research is conducted across key life stages (children, adolescents, adults, elderly) and addresses key aspects of human movement, focusing on:

  1. Data Validity: Developing advanced methods to measure physical activity, sport, and related movement variables, integrating multiple reliable measures, and creating new variables for ecological and precise measurement.
  2. Observations: Capturing goal-directed movement according to task environments, understanding facilitators and inhibitors, and identifying pathways of physical activity and sport behaviors for targeted interventions.
  3. Modeling and Algorithm Selection: Using complex models and AI tools for better understanding functions, integrating measurements, informing interventions, and developing interactive tools for monitoring and personalized support.
  4. Interventions: Designing and implementing tailored interventions for different population groups to improve functioning through modifications in physical activity and sport behaviors.

CIPER aims to enhance interdisciplinary research resources and international collaboration, focusing on:

  1. Expertise in advanced human movement measurement.
  2. Expertise in intervention development and implementation.
  3. Fostering research leadership among younger researchers.
  4. Enhancing funding acquisition capabilities.
  5. Communicating and disseminating scientific information effectively.
  6. Developing PhD programs guided by the Human Kinetics framework.

Duarte Araújo

Duarte Araújo

Research Group

Skill Learning

Letter R

Research Overview

Skill learning involves processes responsible for changes in movement performance over time due to specific practices, emphasizing the environment and variability. 

Exercise Precision

Letter R

Research Overview

There has been a paradigm shift towards exploring the individual benefits of exercise and reducing the overall heterogeneity of responses to specific exercise regimens - a move towards a more individual tailored precise exercise prescription. This approach can be seen as a new valuable strategy to maximize resource utilization to target pathology and human performance at the molecular, cellular, tissue and whole body levels.

Neuromuscular Biomechanics

Letter R

Research Overview

The research program is structured around four interconnected pillars, resulting in four research lines. The first focuses on developing movement analysis methodologies and assessing the mechanical properties of biological tissues in vivo.

Behavioral Regulation

Letter R

Research Overview

This research group encompasses four main research areas focusing on the study of behavior change in the areas of physical activity, exercise, eating behavior, digital biomarkers, and serious games - in relation to different exposures and interventions and how they relate to various outcomes of health and well-being, physical and/or mental. 

Featured publications

Articles Biolad

Cross-cultural validation of children’s assessment of participation and enjoyment Portuguese version

Vila-Nova, F., Oliveira, R., & Cordovil, R. (2019b). Cross-cultural validation of children’s assessment of participation and enjoyment Portuguese version. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 7, 33. doi: 10.3389/fped.2019.00033.

Books Chapter Biolad

Serious games based on kinect and leap motion controller for upper limbs physical rehabilitation

Postolache, G., Carry, F., Lourenço, F., Ferreira, D., Oliveira, R., Girão, P. S., & Postolache, O. (2019). Serious games based on kinect and leap motion controller for upper limbs physical rehabilitation. In S. C. Mukhopadhyay, K. P. Jayasundera, & O. A. Postolache (Eds.), Modern Sensing Technologies, (pp. 147 – 170). Cham: Springer.


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