Body composition changes during pregnancy and effects of physical exercise
Additional Info
- Authors: Pimenta, N. M., & van Poppel, M.
- Year: 2019
- Title: Body composition changes during pregnancy and effects of physical exercise
- In: In R. Santos-Rocha (Ed.)
- Title of publication: Exercise and Sporting Activity During Pregnancy
- Publication page: pp. 57–93
- Publishing company: Cham: Springer International Publishing
Body composition applications (Chapter 8)
Additional Info
- Authors: Risoul-Sala, V., Reguante-Closa, A., Sardinha, L. B., Harris, M., Lohman, T. G., Kirihennedige, N., & Meyer, N. L.
- Year: in press
- Title: Body composition applications (Chapter 8)
- In: In T. G. Lohman, L. A. Milliken (Eds.)
- Title of publication: ACSM's Body Composition Assessment
- Publishing company: Champaign, USA: Human Kinetics
The empowering variability of affordances of nature: Why do exercisers feel better after performing the same exercise in natural environments than in indoor environments?
Additional Info
- Authors: Araújo, D., Brymer, E., Brito, H., Withagen, R., & Davids, K.
- Year: 2019
- Title: The empowering variability of affordances of nature: Why do exercisers feel better after performing the same exercise in natural environments than in indoor environments?
- Title of publication: Psychology of Sport and Exercise
- Edition / Volume: 42
- Publication page: 138–145
- DOI: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2018.12.020
Jump higher, run faster: effects of diversified sport participation on talent identification and selection in youth basketball
Additional Info
- Authors: Arede, J., Esteves, P., Ferreira, A. P., Sampaio, J., & Leite, N.
- Year: 2019
- Title: Jump higher, run faster: effects of diversified sport participation on talent identification and selection in youth basketball
- Title of publication: Journal of Sports Sciences
- Edition / Volume: 37(19)
- Publication page: 2220–2227
- DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2019.1626114
Maturational development as a key aspect in physiological performance and national-team selection in elite male basketball players
Additional Info
- Authors: Arede, J., Ferreira, A. P., Gonzalo-Skok, O., & Leite, N.
- Year: 2019
- Title: Maturational development as a key aspect in physiological performance and national-team selection in elite male basketball players
- Title of publication: International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
- Edition / Volume: 14(7)
- Publication page: C902–910
- DOI: 10.1123/ijspp.2018-0681
Foot modeling affects ankle sagittal plane kinematics during jump-landing
Additional Info
- Authors: Azevedo, A. M., Oliveira, R., Vaz, J. R., & Cortes, N.
- Year: 2019a
- Title: Foot modeling affects ankle sagittal plane kinematics during jump-landing
- Title of publication: Journal of Biomechanics
- Edition / Volume: 96
- Publication page: 109337
- DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2019.109337
Professional dancers distinct biomechanical pattern during multidirectional landings
Additional Info
- Authors: Azevedo, A. M., Oliveira, R., Vaz, J. R., & Cortes, N.
- Year: 2019b
- Title: Professional dancers distinct biomechanical pattern during multidirectional landings
- Title of publication: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise
- Edition / Volume: 51(3)
- Publication page: 539–547
- DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000001817
Association between whey protein, regional fat mass, and strength in resistance-trained men: A cross-sectional study
Additional Info
- Authors: Batista, A., Monteiro, C. P., Borrego, R., Matias, C. N., Teixeira, F. J., Valamatos, M. J., Oliveira, A. C., Reis, J. F., Mendes, L., & Sardinha, L. B.
- Year: 2019
- Title: Association between whey protein, regional fat mass, and strength in resistance-trained men: A cross-sectional study
- Title of publication: Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism
- Edition / Volume: 44(1)
- Publication page: 7–12
- DOI: 10.1139/apnm-2018-0143
Principles of nonlinear pedagogy in sport practice
Additional Info
- Authors: Correia, V., Carvalho, J., Araújo, D., Pereira, E., & Davids, K.
- Year: 2019
- Title: Principles of nonlinear pedagogy in sport practice
- Title of publication: Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy
- Edition / Volume: 24(2)
- Publication page: 117–132
- DOI: 10.1080/17408989.2018.1552673
Effects of occlusal splints on shoulder strength and activation
Additional Info
- Authors: Dias, A., Redinha, L., Vaz, J. R., Cordeiro, N., Silva, L., & Pezarat–Correia, P.
- Year: 2019
- Title: Effects of occlusal splints on shoulder strength and activation
- Title of publication: Annals of Medicine
- Edition / Volume: 51(sup1)
- Publication page: 15–21
- DOI: 10.1080/07853890.2019.1566766
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