Additional Info
- Endereço FMH:
- Category: Assistant Professor
- Email: FMH
- Telephone: FMH
- Extension: FMH
- Department: Sports and Health
- Ciência Vitae: FMH
- Google Scholar: FMH
- Researcher ID: FMH
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Outreach & Services
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Outreach & Services
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Outreach & Services
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Outreach & Services
FCT grant: PTDC/DES/113156/2009
Additional Info
- Title: The impact of regular competitive sport, extracurricular school-based sport and out-of-school-time physical activities on lifestyle and quality of life of children and adolescents (11 to 16 years) considering their bone age
- Principal Researcher: Isabel Fragoso
- Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
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FCT grant: PTDC/DES/119678/2010
Additional Info
- Title: Development of video-based motion analysis in team sports: measuring performance and intervention effectiveness
- Principal Researcher: Duarte Araújo
- Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
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