Care4MyHeart-PSG: A Personalized Serious Game Platform to Empower Phase III Cardiac Rehabilitation of Cardiovascular Disease Patients in UAE
Additional Info
- Authors: Dias, S.B., Hadjileontiadou S.J., Diniz J.A., Khandoker A.H., and Hadjileontiadis L.J.
- Year: 2020
- Title: Care4MyHeart-PSG: A Personalized Serious Game Platform to Empower Phase III Cardiac Rehabilitation of Cardiovascular Disease Patients in UAE.
- In: In: Stephanidis C., Antona M., Gao Q., Zhou J. (eds.)
- Title of publication: HCI International 2020 – Late Breaking Papers: Universal Access and Inclusive Design. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
- Publication page: vol 12426
- Publishing company: Springer, Cham
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