Healthy Weight - slide 1
Exercise Precision
Healthy Weight - slide 2
Exercise Precision
Healthy Weight - slide 3
Exercise Precision
Healthy Weight - slide 4
Exercise Precision
Healthy Weight - slide 5
Exercise Precision

Subcutaneous fat patterning in athletes: selection of appropriate sites and standardisation of a novel ultrasound measurement technique: ad hoc working group on body composition, health and performance, under the auspices of the IOC Medical Commissio

Additional Info

  • Authors: Müller W, Lohman TG, Stewart AD, Maughan RJ, Meyer NL, Sardinha LB, Kirihennedige N, Reguant-Closa A, Risoul-Salas V, Sundgot-Borgen J, Ahammer H, Anderhuber F, Fürhapter-Rieger A, Kainz P, Materna W, Pilsl U, Pirstinger W, Ackland TR.
  • Year: 2016
  • Title: Subcutaneous fat patterning in athletes: selection of appropriate sites and standardisation of a novel ultrasound measurement technique: ad hoc working group on body composition, health and performance, under the auspices of the IOC Medical Commission
  • Title of publication: British Journal of Sports Medicine
  • Edition / Volume: 50(1)
  • Publication page: 45-54
  • DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2015-095641


Oeiras Valley

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