Exercise Precision
Development of a Complex Intervention to Improve Adherence to Antidiabetic Medication in Older People Using an Anthropomorphic Virtual Assistant Software
Additional Info
- Authors: Félix, I. B., Guerreiro, M. P., Cavaco, A., Cláudio, A. P., Mendes, A., Balsa, J., Carmo, M. B., Pimenta, N., & Henriques, A.
- Year: 2020
- Title: Development of a Complex Intervention to Improve Adherence to Antidiabetic Medication in Older People Using an Anthropomorphic Virtual Assistant Software.
- In: Lopes, L. C., De Cássia Bergamaschi, C., Barberato-Filho, S., Silva, M. T., Godman, B. (Ed.).
- Title of publication: New Horizons in Health-Promoting Technologies: From Development to Rational Use.
- Publication page: https://books.google.pt/books?id=WskBEAAAQBAJ&pg=PA2&lpg=PA2&dq=New+Horizons+in+Health-Promoting+Technologies:+From+Development+to+Rational+Use.+Lausanne:+Frontiers+Media+SA.&source=bl&ots=9WfrzyYfwf&sig=ACfU3U1JwuIBtV9DAKDTiswiPAfUVHZe-w&hl=pt-PT&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi81qix67vtAhWjonEKHUN6Be4Q6AEwBXoECAwQAg#v=onepage&q=New%20Horizons%20in%20Health-Promoting%20Technologies%3A%20From%20Development%20to%20Rational%20Use.%20Lausanne%3A%20Frontiers%20Media%20SA.&f=false
- Publishing company: Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA.
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