Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Human Performance
Skill Learning
Exercise Precision
Neuromuscular Biomechanics
Behavioral Regulation


Award in COP Ciências do Desporto – História e Sociologia do Desporto

Araújo, D. (2019). Award in COP Ciências do Desporto – História e Sociologia do Desporto. Awarded by Comité Olímpico de Portugal.

Scientific Award in Prémios Científicos Universidade Lisboa/Santander Universidades

Araújo, D. (2018). Scientific Award in Prémios Científicos Universidade Lisboa/Santander Universidades. Awarded by Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa and Santander Universidades.

Good Practices Ward for the project Fall in Age Erasmus+ Prject

Baptista, F., Carnide, F., & Moniz-Pereira, V. (2018). Good Practices Ward for the project Fall in Age Erasmus+ Prject (Referência: 2018-1-PT01-KA203-047343). Awarded by Agência Nacional Erasmus+ Educação e Formação.

Silver Award as Principal Investigator in A/B/C-TEACH research project (Teaching Delivery category)

Dias, S. B. (2018). Silver Award as Principal Investigator in A/B/C-TEACH research project (Teaching Delivery category). Awarded by Reimagine Education Competition.

Expert’s Choice: 2018’s Most Exciting Research in the Field of Pediatric Exercise Science

Monteiro, C. P. (2018). Expert’s Choice: 2018’s Most Exciting Research in the Field of Pediatric Exercise Science, for the article “Morgado J.P., Monteiro J.P., Matias C.N., Reis J.F., Teles J., Laires M.J., Alves F. (2018). Long-term swimming training modifies acute immune cell response to a high-intensity session. Eur J Appl Physiol. 118(3), 573–583. Selected by University of California Irvine’s experts Shlomit Radom-Aizik and Nitzan Dror as the best article in the “Immunology and Exercise During Youth” domain.

Honorable Mention for the work as an investigator

Silva, A. M. (2018). Honorable Mention for the work as an investigator. Awarded by Universidade de Lisboa and Caixa Geral de Depósitos.

Researcher Award “Women in Sport Science”

Silva, A. M. (2018). Researcher Award “Women in Sport Science”. Awarded by Portuguese Olympic Committee.

Concordância e fiabilidade de índices globais de simetria - influência da fórmula matemática

Cabral, S., Fernandes, R., Moniz-Pereira, V., Veloso, A.P. (2017). “Menção Honrosa” award in best research article with the research work "Cabral, S., Fernandes, R., Moniz-Pereira, V., Selbie, W. S. & Veloso, A. P. Concordância e fiabilidade de índices globais de simetria - influência da fórmula matemática". Awarded by Sociedade Portuguesa de Biomecânica.

Career Award Prémio Carreira Alumni

Fernandes, R. (2017). Career Award Prémio Carreira Alumni. Awarded by Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal.

Research Merit Award in the Sport Sciences

Teixeira, P. J. (2017). Research Merit Award in the Sport Sciences. Awarded by Universidade de Lisboa and Santander (Annual Award).


Oeiras Valley

Educação para a ciência, inovação e excelência