Readiness for career affordances in high-level football: Two case studies in Portugal
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Motor Competence in Children With and Without Ambliopia
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Are synergies continuously present in cyclical movements? An example with the basketball dribble task
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Proprioceptive Dialogue-Interpersonal Synergies During a Cooperative Slackline Task
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Effectiveness of a Back School and Postural Education Program on the improvement of literacy about postures and low back pain in adolescents: A 1-year follow-up study
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Acute Blood Pressure Response to High- and Moderate-Speed Resistance Exercise in Older Adults With Hypertension
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The effect of a controlled mandible position mouthguard on upper body strength and power in trained rugby athletes – A randomized within subject study
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Fostering human-robot cooperative architectures for search and rescue missions in urban fires
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Perturbations created from the Baseline in Tennis: A test of Barker’s behaviour setting theory
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Leucine metabolites do not induce changes in phase angle, bioimpedance vector analysis patterns, and strength in resistance trained men
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