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Skill Learning

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Skill Learning
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Skill Learning

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Skill Learning

Book Chapters

Selecting among affordances: A basis for channeling expertise in sport

Araújo, D., Dicks, M., & Davids, K.


Selecting among affordances: A basis for channeling expertise in sport

In M. L. Cappuccio (Ed.)

Handbook of Embodied Cognition and Sport Psychology

pp. 557–580

Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press

The irreducible embeddedness of action choice in sport

Araújo, D., Dicks, M., & McGivern, P.


The irreducible embeddedness of action choice in sport

In M. L. Cappuccio (Ed.)

Handbook of Embodied Cognition and Sport Psychology

pp. 537–556

Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press

Trabajo multidisciplinar en la prevención y rehabilitación de lesiones en la preparación para el Campeonato de Europa: U16 masculina de Portugal

Arede, J., Martins, J., Ferreira, A. P.


Trabajo multidisciplinar en la prevención y rehabilitación de lesiones en la preparación para el Campeonato de Europa: U16 masculina de Portugal

In P. Di Cesare (Ed.)

Baloncesto formativo la preparación física II, camino hacia al alto rendimento

1st ed., pp. 544-575

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Editorial Autores de Argentina

Perception-action for the study of anticipation and decision making

Dicks, M., Araújo, D., & van der Kamp, J.


Perception-action for the study of anticipation and decision making

In A. Williams & R. C. Jackson (Eds.)

Anticipation and Decision Making in Sport

pp. 181–199

London: Routledge

Serious games based on kinect and leap motion controller for upper limbs physical rehabilitation

Postolache, G., Carry, F., Lourenço, F., Ferreira, D., Oliveira, R., Girão, P. S., & Postolache, O.


Serious games based on kinect and leap motion controller for upper limbs physical rehabilitation

In S. C. Mukhopadhyay, K. P. Jayasundera, & O. A. Postolache (Eds.)

Modern Sensing Technologies

pp. 147 – 170

Cham: Springer

Epidemiological aspects of illness and injury

Vleck, V., & Hoeden, D.


Epidemiological aspects of illness and injury

In S. Migliorini (Ed.)

Triathlon Medicine

Springer International


Oeiras Valley

Educação para a ciência, inovação e excelência