Analysis of headers in high-performance football: evidence from the English Premier League
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Estudo do perfil de competências do nadador-salvador português
Santiago, P., Teques, P., Duarte, D., & Palácios, J. (2020). Estudo do perfil de competências do nadador-salvador português. Retos: Nuevas tendencias en Educación Física, Deporte y Recreación, 37, 731-737.
Perceção de liderança e satisfação em nadadores: os efeitos de mediação da inteligência emocional
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Development and validation of the Fitness Coaching Behavior Scale: Factor structure, validity and reliability
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Fatigue evaluation through machine learning and a global fatigue descriptor
Ramos, G., Vaz, J., Mendonça, G., Pezarat-Correia, P., Rodrigues, J., Alfaras, M. & Gamboa, H. (2020). Fatigue evaluation through machine learning and a global fatigue descriptor. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2020. doi: 10.1155/2020/6484129.
Capturing Interpersonal Synergies in Social Settings: An Example within a Badminton Cooperative Task
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Shear wave elastographic investigation of the immediate effects of slump neurodynamics in people with sciatica
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Proprioceptive Dialogue - Interpersonal Synergies During a Cooperative Slackline Task
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Effectiveness of a Back School and Postural Education Program on the improvement of literacy about postures and low back pain in adolescents: a 1-year follow-up study
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Sex differences in soleus muscle H-reflex and V-wave excitability
Mendonca, G. V., Pezarat-Correia, P., Goncalves, A. D., Gomes, M., Correia, J. M., & Vila-Cha, C. (2020). Sex differences in soleus muscle H-reflex and V-wave excitability. Experimental Physiology, doi: 10.1113/EP088820.