Effects of spatiotemporal constraints and age on the interactions of soccer players when competing for ball possession
Menuchi, M. R. T. P., Moro, A. R. P., Ambrósio, P. E., Pariente, C. A. B., & Araújo, D. (2018). Effects of spatiotemporal constraints and age on the interactions of soccer players when competing for ball possession. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 17(3), 379-391.
Oxygen uptake efficiency slope during exercise in adults with Down syndrome
Mendonça, G. V., Borges, A., Wee, S. O., & Fernhall, B. (2018). Oxygen uptake efficiency slope during exercise in adults with Down syndrome. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 31(5), 897-904. doi: 10.1111/jar.12449.
Muscle fatigue in response to low-load blood flow- restricted elbow-flexion exercise: are there any sex differences?
Mendonça, G. V., Borges, A., Teodósio, C., Matos, P., Correia, J., Vila-Chã, C., Mil-Homens, P., & Pezarat-Correia, P. (2018). Muscle fatigue in response to low-load blood flow- restricted elbow-flexion exercise: are there any sex differences?. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 118(10), 2089–2096. doi: 10.1007/s00421-018-3940-x.
Independent mobility and social-place affordances for urban neighborhoods: A youth-friendly perspective
Lopes, F., Cordovil, R., & Neto, C. (2018). Independent mobility and social-place affordances for urban neighborhoods: A youth-friendly perspective. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2198. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02198.
Antifragility in sport: Leveraging adversity to enhance performance
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Health-related quality of life of Portuguese children and adolescents according to their biological maturation and volume of physical activity
Garcia, C., Teles, J., Barrigas, C., & Fragoso, I. (2018). Health-related quality of life of Portuguese children and adolescents according to their biological maturation and volume of physical activity. Quality of Life Research, 27(6), 1483-1492. doi: 10.1007/s11136-018-1822-7.
Acute neuromuscular adaptations in response to low-intensity blood-flow restricted exercise and high-intensity resistance exercise: Are there any differences?
Fatela, P., Reis, J. F., Mendonça, G. V., Freitas, T., Valamatos, M. J., Avela, J., & Mil-Homens, P. (2018). Acute neuromuscular adaptations in response to low-intensity blood-flow restricted exercise and high-intensity resistance exercise: Are there any differences?. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 32(4), 902-910. doi: 10.1519/jsc.0000000000002022.
Effects of dental occlusion on body sway, upper body muscle activity and shooting performance in pistol shooters
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Prevalence and injury profile in Portuguese children and adolescents according to their level of sports participation
Costa e Silva, L., Fragoso, I., & Teles, J. (2018). Prevalence and injury profile in Portuguese children and adolescents according to their level of sports participation. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 58(3), 271-279. doi: 10.23736/s0022- 4707.16.06683-4.
Effects of roller massager on muscle recovery after exercise- induced muscle damage
Casanova, N., Reis, J. F., Vaz, J. R., Machado, R., Mendes, B., Button, D. C., Pezarat-Correia, P., & Freitas, S. R. (2018). Effects of roller massager on muscle recovery after exercise- induced muscle damage. Journal of Sports Sciences, 36(1), 56-63. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2017.1280609.